In Store Installation Terms and Conditions.​​
I accept the offer from JC Installs Limited to undertake the aforementioned work and in doing so this action constitutes a fee for service contract.​
As agreed. If, during the course of undertaking the agreed works JC Installs or representatives thereof discover changes to the original agreement are required, JC Installs or their representative will contact the client, outline the changes, and seek a new agreement prior to conducting any further work.
I authorise JC Installs Limited their representatives, or officers thereof to undertake work on my vehicle
I agree thatJC Installs Limited or their representatives or officers thereof do not accept responsibility for issues arising prior to the clients vehicle being worked upon by JC Installs.
I agree pay in full the amount invoiced for work undertaken on my vehicle.
I understand and agree that payments paid via Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Credit Card, or Debit Card will incur an additional 2.9% fee on the gross amount payable.